You are Moving... What about the Kids???

You are Moving... What about the Kids???

You ar Moving... What about the kids?

Moving... One of the most stressful things a person can do in their lives... If its stressful to you, the one in control, how do you think it's impacting your kids? Who? The little people that are coming along with you when you move? Your children! I've seen life get so busy with a move and the parents expect the children to just follow along and not say anything... Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't... 

Motherhood, the real deal offers 5 tips to help you prepare your children for a move. 

1) Have open discussions with your children about the move.

2) Bring them with to see the new house prior to moving in. 

3) Focus on the Postives

4) Get them involved in the process of moving as much as possible. 

5) Maintain Routines as much as possible. 

If you can do these things with your children, the move will most likely go better for your children. And think about it, if it goes better for your children, won't it be better for you too? I know that I like life a lot better when my little is happy :) Tantrums are stressful for everyone... so, if you can avoid them by taking a couple additional steps, I'd say WIN/WIN!!!'s full article here. 


Pinterest has some great moving checklists to help you stay organized through your move...

This Checklist is from It's a Great Checklist... Just remember to add an activity daily to include your children. Delegate something to the kids... Something to keep them involved and proud of their contribution.  

Moving Checklist... What about the kids?

Rachel Fredrickson
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