Should I Wait to Buy?

Should I wait to buy?     I'm waiting for interest rates to drop! I have heard that often in this market. Does it make sense from a numbers perspective? Let's take a look...       Every second counts in the housing market when there's so much demand for a relatively low supply of homes. Reach out to me to learn more about how getting pre-approved before starting your home search will make you agile enough to snatch up your dream home before anyone else can. If you wait to buy, that same home m...

Annnnd the Winner is..... OCTOBER 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

OCTOBER 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Happy October! Fall is Coming... Summer is ending :(

I hope you all received my Real Estate Newsletter! I hope that you were able to gain some insight into the real estate market. Please let me know if you didn't receive it and think you should be or want to receive it. Every Month, within that newsletter, I have a little trivia question/fun contest!

The October Newsletter Trivia Question was...

What was the first wrappe...
Rachel Fredrickson
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