How has COVID 19 impacted showings???

How has COVID 19 impacted showings???

Life as we know it has changed! How long will it be changed? How long will this new 'normal' need to be normal? How long before our children can go back to school? How long before our children can socialize in large groups again? How long before we get to go back to work? How long before our work day becomes what it was? How long before we can eat in a restaurant? How long before we can attend a sporting event? How long before this un-nerving uncertainty ab...
Motivational Monday! COVID 19!!!

Motivational Monday!

COVID 19!!!


COVID-19 - the Coronavirus... This virus has taken the world by storm. It has shut down countries and is in the process of shutting down the United States. No matter where you stand, it is not going away anytime soon... 

So, where do you stand? Are you someone who is are afraid and not wanting to leave their home. Are you someone who has raided the grocery stores and have packed their cupboards and their pantries. Are you someone who is joking about it and d...
Motivational Monday! Writing/Scribing/Journaling!!!

Motivational Monday! Writing/Scribing/Journaling!!!

Do you enjoy writing? Journaling? Scribing? Do you EVEN write by hand anymore? Writing with a pen/pencil and paper has become something that we don't 'have' to do anymore... In school, we write papers on a computer. At work we type on a computer. To communicate with family and friends we send emails and use social media platforms with our phones and or computers. So, do you still write? journal? scribe?

I hope the answer is YES!!! There are so...
Spring!!! Is it really here!!!


Is it really here!!! 

These warm temps have felt so good! They make me want to spend time outside! The warmth of the sun on my skin feels amazing! Minnesota winters can be long. This winter wasn't so bad, but this 40, 50 and hopefully 60 degree weather this weekend is so welcomed!

I've seen many meme's that remind me that this could be a 'fake spring' and that more winter is inevitable. I've lived in Minnesota my whole life... I agree, we probably have a snow storm or five that is y...
Motivational Monday! 100 Days of Gratitude Complete!!!

Motivational Monday!

100 Days of Gratitude!!!

Four months ago I posted the blog below and started on my own journey of gratitude discovery... What did I find? 

1) Some days are easier than others to feel gratitude

 2) Days 20-30 were the absolute hardest to document... so if you are trying it, work thru these days and it will get better!!! 

3) Some days are hard... some days feel like nothing goes right... some days you want to cry or scream or both... having a gratitude journal is great as it...
Ever wondered what to do with that OLD, DATED, HUGE tub in your bathroom?

Ever wondered what to do with that OLD, DATED, HUGE tub in your bathroom?

As a Realtor, I see all kinds of bathrooms... Some that are super cute and others that haven't been updated for a LONG time... Old, dated, huge bathtubs in the master bedroom are pretty common to find. What should you do with it? Should you repurpose the space? After all, you don't take a bath anyway... but will not having one impact your resale? Some people actually take baths and want one in their master! Do you spend t...
Motivational Monday! Reading!!!

Motivational Monday!


Reading... what does that have to do with being motivated in life?

Reading requires the brain to rearrange its origianl parts to learn something new. ~Maryanne Wolf

Reading... there is so much in the media about reading to children and the acedemic advantage it gives them in school. What about reading as an adult? Wait, what? Adults read too??? YES! Adults should read too! Most do! Pew Research Center stated that about 27% of adults did not read a book in the la...
Rachel Fredrickson
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