Can Owning a Home Help You Build Wealth?

Can Owning a Home Help You Build Wealth?


Can Owning A Home Help Build Wealth

Think about the price that our parents and grandparents paid for a home... Think about how much prices have gone up over time! Now think about a how much they paid for a loaf of bread or a gallon of gas... Think about how much these items have also gone up over time! Well of course things went up that was FOREVER ago... So, let's not go back that far. How much was a gallon of gas when you got your driver's license? A loaf of bread? Yep, let's consider how much a house cost??? There is one thing that has been consistent over time. The prices keep going up! Yes, there have been a few dips in the real estate market, but it has always recovered and then surpassed itself! How much has it gone up? 

Building Wealth with Home Ownership

290%!!! Did you read that??? 290 appreciation%!!! That is astonishing!!! The moral of my story, consider buying a house to make your home! Don't wait for the real estate market to crash. The real estate market is WAY different today than it was in 2007/2008/2009! We don't have a 14-16 month supply of homes for people to choose from! We have less than a 2 month supply. Buyer demand is HUGE! If you wait, you may be waiting away money you could be gaining by owning a home! You have to live someplace!

Building Wealth with Home Ownership

Reach out to me today and let's create a plan to get you into a home! I would love to connect you with the right people to and help you create the perfect plan for you and your life! My number is 612-991-9919! I am excited to speak with you! Lastly, you don't need to get things 'perfectly in order' prior to calling! That is part of the planning and maybe I can help offer ideas. 

Building Wealth with Home Ownership

Rachel Fredrickson
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